
About company

GasTechService LLP - is a Kazakhstan based company that provides services for the diagnosis, maintenance and repair of technological equipment in the oil, gas and energy industries. Also, one of the company directions is equipment, spare parts and consumables supply from leading world and domestic manufacturers.

Qualified and experienced personnel, production and technical facilities, system approach, competence and structure of the company allow us to offer our customers a wide range of services.
fas fa-pencil-ruler

Service of GCU

fas fa-tools

Maintenance, mid-life and overhaul of GCU

fab fa-whmcs

DLE Mapping of GCU

fas fa-wrench

Revision and repair of DGS

fab fa-whmcs

Maintenance and overhaul of Gas Piston Generator and Diesel Generator

fas fa-shipping-fast

Supply of equipment, spare parts and consumables

fab fa-first-order

In-line inspection of main pipelines

fab fa-first-order-alt

In-line inspection of CS pipelines

Our partners

VBR Turbinne partners
ТРЭМ Казань


«GasTechService» LLP

Address: Almaty region, Ili district, Otegen batyr village, Iliyas Zhansugurov street, building 133,

Republic of Kazakhstan

Post index: 040700
e-mail: info@gtservice.com.kz